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We are blessed and encouraged by the kind words we receive from our wonderful clients and their families. Please take time to read a few of our happy stories.

Magnificent! Kerry saved my life after I was suddenly widowed in 2014. I was lost. My son recommended Kerry and she basically took care of the administrivia my wife had been doing for years. That included - but wasn't limited to - making certain I didn't miss payments, appointments, and filing the zillions of objects flowing into the apartment thanks to our junk mail society. She sent the change of address cards notifying friends and associates just where I'd disappeared to! But best though was helping arrange the move from a house that had been lived in for 40 years into a 1,000 sq. ft. condo. And then making that condo livable. Bottom line: She will keep you from losing your sanity. Working with Kerry has been a terrific experience and she has my highest, most unqualified recommendation for virtually any administrative duties! I'd hire her again in a heartbeat were the need to arise again! 

Paul Galanti

Kerry exudes a nice balance of warm professionalism with energy, brains, and heart. She intuitively understands what her clients need and genuinely enjoys her relationships with them. Since I live too far away to help my mom regularly, Kerry gives me great peace of mind by acting in my stead, taking care of many things I would do if I were there.

Katie Oates Nixon

During the latter stages of my mother’s life, when she was confined to her bed with in-home care, my brother and I believed it was important that she have frequent visitors to maintain her spirit and her connection to the world outside of her home.  One of those visitors was Kerry Byrne, whom my brother knew from high school. My mother looked so forward to those visits – twice each week – which were filled with merrymaking that Kerry instigated to the delight of everyone in the room.  I loved that Kerry routinely asked my mother questions about her days growing up in Caroline County and then remembered to infuse her subsequent conversations with references to what she had learned.  Not only did this delight my mother, I believe it helped her maintain a higher level of cognitive function than she might have otherwise. Thank you, Kerry!

Steve Kelley

Your Right Hand was a godsend to my family. I will be forever grateful for the wonderful work they did for my mom as her health declined. The three companions who helped my mom understood her needs and cared so much about her that when she was with them, she felt that she was in the company of dear friends. My family relied on Your Right Hand, and especially its leader Kerry Byrne, in countless ways. Kerry's integrity, wisdom, and compassion set her apart, and the personalized care Your Right Hand offers its clients is unmatched.

Lee Drummond

Kerry began working for my family when my mother showed signs of needing help with her day to day routine. She walked into a situation where the family insisted on her services, but my mother was not convinced. Kerry was able to endear herself to my mother and build trust which was not easy. She knew when to insert herself and help my mother dress or perform other tasks and when to back off if my mother was having a "good" day. In addition, Kerry provided a written inventory with pictures of my mother's jewelry and analyzed her spending so that we could create a monthly budget based on real data and cancel unnecessary credit cards. She would not have been able to perform any of these duties without developing a rapport mixed with humor, kindness, and patience. Kerry helped us to understand dementia, how it was currently affecting my mother's life, and how it would affect her in the future. She was the first to suggest when it was time to transition to a nurse or nurse's aid, because my mother required a different level of assistance. Kerry's passion to help others is apparent as she maintains long-term relationships with her clients and their families. I highly recommend her!!

Liza Roberts

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Every engagement starts with a conversation. Let's connect. Email, call, text or use social media links, just like you would when reaching for a family member. Your Right Hand is here for you. 

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