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In my early 30s, I was working full time as a paralegal when my father, a retired but active and independent physician, had a serious fall resulting in brain surgery and subsequently suffered two strokes. He could no longer drive or manage his household, and life changed dramatically. I was fortunate that I was able to move in with him and become his primary caregiver.

I managed his care for the last eight years of his life. Nothing gave me greater joy, but I know it's not always possible to take on that responsibility.

My father eventually developed dementia and, as his cognitive abilities diminished, he needed more help than my siblings and I could provide. We faced an overwhelming situation - how could we honor his wishes to stay in his home? How could I create a safe environment, keep him engaged and fulfilled as long as possible? How could I manage all of this and my career?

The process of finding trusted and loving help for him was extremely time consuming and frustratingly unpredictable. We were fortunate to find compassionate help who became like family. My father was able to stay in his home, in familiar surroundings with familiar faces, and loving, professional care.

This experience inspired me. I wanted to provide the same compassionate and personal care for others, and in 2013, I started Your Right Hand. My passion is helping seniors live happy and fulfilling lives by staying active and engaged, providing families with the support that meets their individual needs.

Let us help you with a personalized plan for care of your loved one.

Kerry Byrne

Kerry Byrne
Founder and Principal
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Every engagement starts with a conversation. Let's connect. Email, call, text or use social media links, just like you would when reaching for a family member. Your Right Hand is here for you. 

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